The purpose of financial coaching is to evaluate your current financial situation and educate you on how to meet your financial goals, including recommendations for specific courses of action. The Financial Coach, will not give tax or legal advice nor function as a financial advisor or planner. The services to be provided by the Coach to the Client are financial coaching (as described below), including both one-on-one coaching, as well as e-mail and text support and research services provided by the Coach, as designed jointly with the Client. The Client understands that the power of the coaching relationship can only be granted by the Client.
Financial Coaching is not investment advice or financial planning. Rather, coaching seeks to empower the Client through education and skill-building so that the Client is better able to make his/her own financial choices. Coaching services include goal clarification, brainstorming, asking questions, teaching Client how to find, understand, and use tools, information, and financial data widely available through the public domain. The Client has the right to decline or make counteroffers to all coaching requests. The Coach uniformly agrees to respect and maintain the highest level of confidentiality. During the course of the Financial Coaching program, the Coach may share with the Client information and/or independent research or opinions on stocks, funds, insurance products, and other services using outside sources believed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate. In no case should this data be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell a particular issue or product. Financial coaching is not a replacement for financial advisory and planning services; rather, it enables the Client to work with financial advisors, planners and brokers more effectively.
I understand that my Coach will not make decisions for me or make contact with creditors or others on my behalf. Making decisions and taking action will be my responsibility. I understand that my Coach will be there to support and encourage me during the term of the engagement. Ultimately, I am responsible for my actions.